Berlin Alexanderplatz miniseries Wikipedia. Berlin Alexanderplatz German blin alksandplats, originally broadcast in 1. One Door Away From Heaven Synopsis Of To KillWest Germantelevisionminiseries, adapted and directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder from the Alfred Dblin novel of the Berlin Alexanderplatz. It stars Gnter Lamprecht, Hanna Schygulla, Barbara Sukowa, Elisabeth Trissenaar and Gottfried John. The complete series is 1. In 1. 98. 3, it was released theatrically in the United States, where a theatre would show two or three parts per night. It garnered a cult following in the US and was eventually released on VHS and broadcast on PBS and then Bravo. ProductioneditIt was a co production between the German Westdeutscher Rundfunk WDR, Bavaria Film Gmb. H and the Italian network RAI. Production of the film at the Bavaria Film Studios took nearly a year. Fassbinder imagined making a parallel film which he would make specifically for theatrical distribution after the completion of this series. His fantasy cast included Grard Depardieu as Franz Biberkopf and Isabelle Adjani as Mieze. EpisodeseditEpisode Guide. No. Title. First aired. Runtime mins. 1The Punishment BeginsDie Strafe beginnt1. October 1. 98. 08. How is One to Live if One Doesnt Want to DieWie soll man leben, wenn man nicht sterben will1. October 1. 98. 05. A Hammer Blow to the Head Can Injure the SoulEin Hammer auf den Kopf kann die Seele verletzen2. October 1. 98. 05. A Handful of People in the Depths of SilenceEine Handvoll Menschen in der Tiefe der Stille2. Gray was present when Erza entered the guild, having been told by Cana that that day would be lucky for him, though he regarded it as one of the worst days of his. Synopsis of OT XXXIII A Nov 19 Homily on Matthew 25 1430 Introduction This penultimate Sunday of the liturgical year reminds us not only of the end of the. S/' alt='One Door Away From Heaven Synopsis Of Macbeth' title='One Door Away From Heaven Synopsis Of Macbeth' />A terrorist explosion releases a deadly virus on the masses, and its up the bountyhunting Bebop crew to catch the coldblooded culprit. EPISODE 10 Onwards To Jamaica I feel this section of the story is our opportunity to skim over the details, perhaps in a quick succession of shots, reflecting the. October 1. 98. 05. A Reaper with the Power of Our LordEin Schnitter mit der Gewalt vom lieben Gott3 November 1. Love Has Its PriceEine Liebe, das kostet immer viel1. November 1. 98. 05. Remember An Oath can be AmputatedMerke Einen Schwur kann man amputieren1. November 1. 98. 05. The Sun Warms the Skin, but Burns it Sometimes TooDie Sonne wrmt die Haut, die sie manchmal verbrennt2. November 1. 98. 05. About the Eternities Between the Many and the FewVon den Ewigkeiten zwischen den Vielen und den Wenigen1 December 1. Loneliness Tears Cracks of Madness Even in WallsEinsamkeit reit auch in Mauern Risse des Irrsinns8 December 1. Knowledge is Power and the Early Bird Catches the WormWissen ist Macht und Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund1. December 1. 98. 05. The Serpent in the Soul of the SerpentDie Schlange in der Seele der Schlange2. December 1. 98. 05. The Outside and the Inside and the Secret of Fear of the SecretDas uere und das Innere und das Geheimnis der Angst vor dem Geheimnis2. December 1. 98. 05. My Dream of the Dream of Franz Biberkopf by Alfred Dblin, An EpilogueMein Traum vom Traum des Franz Biberkopf von Alfred Dblin Ein Epilog2. December 1. 98. 01. SynopsiseditThe Punishment BeginseditBerlin, 1. Franz Biberkopf is released after serving four years in Tegel prison for killing his girlfriend Ida. After settling into his old apartment he visits Minna, Idas sister. Minna succumbs to his forceful advances. In a flashback we see Franz kill Ida with a cream whip after correctly suspecting she was about to leave him. Franz later runs into his old friend Meck and has a drink with him in Maxs bar, a local place. There he meets Lina Przybilla, a young Polish woman, who moves in with him. He receives notification from the Berlin Police that he is barred from living in certain Berlin districts and surrounding municipalities, under the threat of a fine or imprisonment, Biberkopf places himself under the supervision of a charity called Prisoners Aid, to which he must report once a month, and remain in employment. By doing this, he is able to remain in Berlin. How is One to Live if One Doesnt Want to DieeditFranz is self employed hawking necktie holders on the street, but has trouble making enough money and does not consider himself an orator. After turning down the opportunity to sell sex education manuals, he is talked into selling the Nazi newspaper Vlkischer Beobachter and wearing a swastika armband. In the subway, Franz is confronted by an old Jewish acquaintance selling hot sausages, but denies being Antisemitic himself, and Dreske with two other men also known to him. Dreske admires Lenin and the Soviet Union, but Franz responds by decrying revolution and their Weimar Republic. At Maxs bar, Dreske and his friends sing The Internationale to provoke Franz, to which he responds by singing the 1. The Watch on the Rhine and Ich hatt einen Kameraden. At the top of his voice, Franz accuses them of being loudmouths and crooks, before almost collapsing. The other men return to their table. Outside, Franz meets Lina. He rambles about what has just happened the men he has just met cannot understand life and do not know what it is like to be in prison. A Hammer Blow to the Head Can Injure the SouleditLina is now troubled by the dubious nature of the job Franz is fulfilling. She introduces him to a family friend, Otto Lders, who turns out to be an ex con he knows from prison, but Franz thinks Otto is a good man. With him, Franz begins selling shoelaces door to door. In the first apartment, Franz spends time with a widow whose deceased husband he closely resembles. Later, to Otto, he reports having sex with the widow. The next day, Otto goes to the widows home and expects the same, but she feels threatened and rejects him. Otto demands money and steals from her. When Franz goes back to the widow, happily expecting another tryst, she slams the door on him. Franz vanishes. Lina distraught, searches for him with Meck. They wake Otto in the early morning, but Meck recognises that his account is full of lies and hits him. Franz is found in a flophouse by Otto, who is immediately threatened with a chair. Otto offers him a share of the money Franz realises has been extorted from the widow, but wanting to go straight, he pours the contents of a chamber pot over Otto. Meck gets Franzs location out of Otto, but Franz had left soon after the earlier incident. Meck persuades Lina that Franz wishes to be left alone, and suggests she live with him. A Handful of People in the Depths of SilenceeditFranz goes on an alcohol binge as a former medical orderly, Baumann, looks over him in rooms in a building opposite the one occupied by the prisoners charity on which he depends for his liberty in Berlin. Franz wanders the streets in a delirious state outside a church he takes a coal delivery man for a pastor. When he comes round after another binge, Baumann tells him he has been lying in a stupor for three days. Franz now feels that neither God, Satan, angels or other people can help him. After various thefts in the building become known, Baumann tells Franz he will not be with him for much longer, though the occupants of the neighbouring rooms are soon arrested. He strikes up a conversation with the vendor who offered him the sex education manuals, and discovers Meck is now selling clothes on the street and apparently doing well. Meck admits to Franz that he had been living with Lina until she left him. A Reaper with the Power of Our LordeditFranz, after several fleeting encountered, has finally become reacquainted with Eva. Eva, for whom he used to pimp, feels a deep affection for him, and has paid the rent for his old rooms in his absence. At Maxs, Meck introduces Franz to Pums, the ringleader of an illegal enterprise. He also meets Reinhold, one of Pumss men. Reinhold is tired of his woman, Frnze, and wants Franz to take her off his hands. Shakespeares Othello Plot Summary. Othello Plot Summary Act I, Scene IThe play opens on a warm Venetian night, where a conversation is underway between Roderigo, a gentleman, and Iago, a soldier under Othellos command. Roderigo, who has been courting Desdemona, is upset with the news that she has eloped with Othello, a great Moorish warrior who is now a general in the service of the ruler of Venice. Iago confesses to Roderigo that he hates the Moor because another soldier, Michael Cassio, has been promoted to lieutenant instead of Iago. He reveals that he only remains in Othellos service to facilitate his plans of revenge I follow him to serve my turn upon him I. It is not surprising that Iago sees Roderigo as a useful puppet in his evil schemes. He tells Roderigo that they should first inform Desdemonas father of the Moors marriage to his daughter. Her father, prejudiced and ignorant, will surely be livid when he hears that a black man has wed Desdemona. Roderigo hopes that her father, Brabantio, will use his political status to see that their marriage is quickly annulled. But Iago knows that the Duke would not jeopardize Othellos desire or ability to fight for Venice in the Turkish wars by punishing him for marrying a Venetian noblemans daughter. Othellos punishment for wedding Desdemona is not part of Iagos plan. His plan at the moment is only to make Othello believe that he is a trustworthy confidant. When Othello is confronted by Brabantio, Iago will be there to lend his counsel and support. Iago and Roderigo stand below Brabantios bedroom window and Roderigo calls his name. To ensure a response, Iago adds,Awake What ho, BrabantioThieves thieves Look to your home, your daughter, and your bagsThieves thieves I. Brabantio comes to the window and Iago tells him to dress at once and come down, for an old black ramIs tupping your white ewe I. Unable to understand Iagos reference to the union of Othello and Desdemona, Brabantio demands to know why they are bothering him at such a late hour. Roderigo explains that his daughter is in the clasps of a lascivious Moor and Brabantio rushes into Desdemonas room to find it empty. He runs downstairs and out into the street without even changing into his day clothes. Furious, he demands to know if they have married and when Roderigo answers yes, Brabantio cries treason. Roderigo tells him where he can find Othello and Brabantio hurries off in a rage. Act I, Scene IIThe scene opens on a Venetian street where Iago has joined Othello and his attendants. Iago is quick to report his conversation with Roderigo to Othello. Of course, Iagos retells the story to accommodate his cunning plan. He says that Roderigo pratedAnd spoke such scurvy and provoking terms. Against your honor. That with the little godliness I have I did full hard forbear him. I. ii. 6 9. Cassio arrives with news that the Duke requires Othello at an urgent war meeting. Brabantio and Roderigo enter and Brabantio lashes out at Othello O thou foul thief, where hast thou stowd my daughter I. Othello responds to the verbal attack with grace and dignity. Brabantio demands that Othello go to prison. Othello calmly tells him that he cannot for the Duke needs him at once. 1100 Words You Need To Know Software Developer. Brabantio decides to take the matter to the Duke, since he is already awaiting Othello. He is sure that the Duke will brand Othello a criminal as he has done, sure that his is not an idle cause I. Act I, Scene IIIThe Duke and his senators gather in the council chamber. They are concerned with the news that a Turkish fleet is planning an attack on Cyprus, which is governed by Venice. They are discussing a counter attack which will be led by Othello, when Brabantio comes storming in, accusing Othello of corrupting his daughter, Desdemona, with spells and medicines bought of mountebanks. Othello asks that they summon Desdemona, for her testimony is the only defense he needs. While they wait for her, Othello describes to the Duke the real way in which he won Desdemonas heart. She arrives, with Iago following her. She tells the Duke and her shocked father that she did fall in love with Othello for the visage in his mind 2. She begs to be allowed to go with Othello to Cyprus. The Duke grants her permission to accompany Othello, but Othello must leave immediately. Desdemona must meet him there at a later time, and Othello entrusts Iago with her safe passage Honest IagoMy Desdemona must I leave to thee I. The senate adjourns and leave the council chamber, followed by Brabantio, Othello, Desdemona, and all the rest, except for Iago and Roderigo. Iago assures Roderigo that Desdemonas love for Othello is fleeting and that, if Roderigo will come to Cyprus, he will continue scheming to break up the newlyweds. Roderigo agrees and leaves to make preparations to sail for Cyprus. Once alone, Iago reveals phase two of his evil plan the destruction of Michael Cassio, the soldier who received the promotion from Othello. He will make Othello believe that Cassio is Desdemonas secret lover, thereby ruining both of his enemies with the same lie. Act II, Scene IAct II opens in Cyprus where Montano, the Venetian governor, and his friends discuss a tempest that might have destroyed the Turkish fleet. A messenger comes in with the news that the enemy ships have indeed been pulled under by the waves. But they soon begin to fear that the very same storm has taken the lives of Othello and his crew. Cassio arrives, confirming that Othello cannot be located. One ship does land, carrying Iago, Desdemona, Roderigo, and Iagos wife, Emilia, who has come to look after Desdemona. Desdemona is shaken with fear for her husband, but, much like her warrior husband, she is brave and steady, and keeps her worry to herself. She converses with Iago and Emilia, and is sure to include Cassio in the discussion. Cassio is an old and beloved friend of Othellos and he too is afraid that the ship has been lost at sea. Out of this great concern for Othellos safety, Cassio takes Desdemona by the hand. Iago delights in this overt display of affection that he will use against them. A trumpet sounds and to everyones relief Othello enters. He greets Desdemona with a kiss and addresses the crowd, proposing a great feast in celebration of the Venetian victory. All but Iago and Roderigo move from the seaport to the royal castle. Iago tells Roderigo that Cassio is also in love with Desdemona and that, to help their plans, Roderigo should pick a fight with Cassio while he is on duty. This will hurt Cassios reputation and ruin his friendship with Othello and help keep him apart from Desdemona. Desperate, Roderigo agrees I will do this if you can bring it to any opportunity. II. They bid each other goodbye and Iago walks off alone. He soliloquizes that he intends to make the Moor thank and love him, while at the same time planting thoughts of jealousy in Othellos mind thoughts so strong That judgement cannot cure. II. Act II, Scene IIOn a street in Cyprus a herald announces the great victory feast and party that Othello has planned. All the soldiers have full liberty to make merry until eleven oclock that evening, at which time they must return to their posts. Act II, Scene IIIIn the great hall of the castle Othello, Desdemona, and Cassio speak briefly about Iago. Othello tells Cassio that Iago is most honest. Othello and Desdemona leave and Iago comes in to join Cassio. Iago asks him to partake in a glass of wine.