Islip School District Schools Middle School. The sun was shining on Oct. Ann. Marie Mills and Sue Langes life science students from the middle school put on their waders to participate in the annual A Day in the Life of a River field trip. With the help of natural resource experts and several other middle school teachers, the eighth graders engaged in hands on citizen science exploration at the Carlls River in Babylon. A Day in the Life features students exploring and collecting firsthand information to learn how their river fits into the larger ecosystem. Students examine the physical and chemical aspects of each aquatic ecosystem, such as salinity, the amount of sediments, nitrates, phosphates and oxygen levels in the water, as well as conduct biodiversity inventories of the flora and fauna in and around the rivers and estuary from the headwaters to the mouth of the river. Their work helps to determine the health of the aquatic ecosystem and biodiversity of the Carlls River. This year, our students really enjoyed using a variety of nets including a seining net, dip nets and a cast net to capture fresh water critters such as crayfish, bluegills, pumpkinseed fish and a largemouth bass, said Mills. The students were thrilled to put the equipment to good use. The event is coordinated jointly by Brookhaven National Laboratory Central Pine Barrens Commission New York State Department of Environmental Conservation New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Seatuck Environmental Association and Suffolk County Water Authority. A Day in the Life helps students develop an appreciation for and knowledge of Long Islands river and estuary ecosystems and collect useful scientific data, said program coordinator Melissa Griffiths Parrott. It teaches students to become stewards of water quality and connected to Suffolk Countys spectacular natural resources. This program is a perfect vehicle for teachers to integrate various disciplines including math, media, social studies and science into their curriculum, said co coordinator Mel Morris, special projects manager at Brookhaven National Laboratorys office of educational programs. PLT-tree-lifecylce-diagram.jpg' alt='Hands On Life Cycle Activities For Middle School' title='Hands On Life Cycle Activities For Middle School' />74. Description of a Required Secondary Curriculum. Middle Grades 68. A school district that offers Grades 68 must provide instruction in the required. These activities are examples of authentic science research and mirror the way scientist collect and analyze. Fun free online learning games and activities for kids. I stumbled upon your fun interactive geography games from a link on the Massachusetts Geographic Alliance Website. Since then, your games have become quite a hit with my competitive colleagues Candice Gomes, Education Outreach Coordinator, Boston Public Library Sheppard Softwares geography games were featured in the Boston Public Librarys 2. Exhibition on MappingTerrific online educational games, especially geography. Dallas Childrens Museum First, let me say I love your website I have students with learning disabilities that need multiple way to learn math, and your site fills the billDarrin, Rose Park Elementary in Billings, MT Awesome site. I am passing my World Geography class StephenOur preschool teacher just sent us homework with this new website on it My twins love it they are 4 12 and cant get enough The sounds, the action, so many choices and things to do. I bookmarked this for them and have sent the website to numerous friends and best of all its FREE Thank you for such a wonderful learning tool. Cherie VentolaLet me say that you guys have an awesome website. I stumbled across your site one day, and it has been the easiest, most effective, and really. Ive. found. David Weaver I am thrilled to have stumbled upon your site As a homeschooling mom, I love to find sites that encourage brain activity and reinforce the facts I teach during learning timePrincipals Message. October 2017. Welcome Visitors, What memorable first days at Islip Middle School. The children are settling into new routines with their friends. We just finished our rock and minerals unit in science. One of the best activities we did was this Starburst Rock Cycle. Key Windows Server 2003 Keygen Free. I cant take credit for it and if you know. Plant life cycle is always a fun science unit. You get to talk about growing, planting, and nature. Plus, students love digging in and getting their hands dirty when. Hands On Life Cycle Activities For Middle School' title='Hands On Life Cycle Activities For Middle School' />The range of information is wonderful Keep up the fantastic work Mrs. Ja. Nell HancockYour games are AMAZING Your website has SO much to offer This site is exactly what I have been looking for I have four children within five years of age and they can all play your games I love that you can choose your level of difficulty. The games are colorful and simple, not cluttered like some. The instructions are easy to understand and they cover basic learning that can be neglected with other too busy games. I cant believe what a blessing it is to have stumbled upon this site I looked up kindergarten math games online. This is the first one that I actually enjoyed navigating around in and that actually kept the kids attention without discouraging them. FREE KIT Organizational Ideas and HandsOn Activities, click here. Make these to show motion Motioncardboardhandmovement. Hopefully everyone has had a spectacular week They seem to go by so quickly. We had a great week at HD Stafford Middle School with lots to celebrate. Welcome to Abhaya a Waldorf School Abhaya was founded by a group of parents and teachers who had serious questions about the nature of education that is presently. This site will be a daily part of our learning The kids were fighting over who could take the next turn at the learning game It is reinforcing everything I am trying to teach. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Jill Grell.